Sunday, June 9, 2013

Giving Glory to the One!!

God is trippin' me out!!
He is unbelievably generous and attentive.  It's amazing how being in the center of His will for you comes with such eerie provision and guidance.  One wonders why they ever wasted time anywhere else!!  Remember THAT when facing temptation!! (as we inevitably do...)
I wrote before that I knew God would get me home to accomplish all that needs to be done this summer- I didn't know HOW I would get there, but I knew if it was His will, I would get there...well... my dad and stepmom allowed the Spirit to rouse them and decided to give me some of their flyer miles to get me home and back again!!  This is a miracle in more ways than one, and I am grateful.  When they called (which is also uncommon) I was blown away- upon hanging up I was literally on the floor laughing and crying, making strange noises that my room mates may have wondered about from the kitchen; nonetheless I could not control myself.  I know He will provide, I try my best to walk in the faith of trusting He will provide, but it's not as easy as it should He just keeps showing Himself to me in these huge ways.  When it happens I cannot help but stand in such humbling awe.  His timing is flawless- always exactly when it's needed. 
Here is another story of my 'trying my best' to trust Him fully.  (It's not that I don't think He is trustworthy- I KNOW HE IS TRUSTWORTHY- it is my earthly lack of trust in people from past hurts that transfers over to my God, even tho He is so undeserving of such hesitation.) 
So- my cell phone bill was coming due.  Funny how that happens every month ;)  It was coming due and I did not have the full amount.  I just prayed, "Lord- you know what my needs are.  I am not going to ride the emotional roller coaster every time I have a need.  I trust You."  These words are easier prayed than done.  It was going to be taken out of my account automatically in two days.  The first day I called my mother- and asked for it.  Way to trust God!  She could not transfer money from her bank in the Netherlands to mine in California.  So we were both praying.  I called my best girlfriend...and asked her for it (so embarrassing).  Way to trust God!  She didn't get my message until way too late- the next day it would come out of my account.  I called the phone company and asked them to not take it out automatically- this would cause my account to bounce and be charged $32. over what the bill would even be!  The bill itself wasn't due until the 9th and they take it automatically on the 6th.  I told my Mom jokingly, "I bought God a couple of days."  (Like He needs it.  such a joke.)  SO!!  The part you are waiting for... my room mate had a fundraiser that evening.  I usually help her in that she is from India and all students from other countries must have an American to accept the money for some legal reason.  So- we did her fundraiser.  That evening she comes to me with her tithe.  I, of course, tried to refuse like a good prideful child.  I tell her the money is for her outreach, yada yada... She tells me in firm fashion that it is not her tithe just from this night, but from other things as well and that it is between her and God and she is insistent on tithing... wants to give it to me!   ugh. so humbling.  So- it's in cash.  I can't get it to my bank in time or pay online with it.  I am thinking, 'how can I pay my bill?'  She asks me about it- because she thought my mom had paid it- I said, 'No, she hadn't.  Couldn't.'    "Oh!"  she exclaims, "I can give you the tithe from my card if that is easier-"  SO SHE PAYS MY PHONE BILL.  Again RIGHT on time... I didn't need to buy God time or anything.  He had it covered. He knew what she was going to do, He knew her tithes together would equal the exact amount of my bill.  He knew the day and hour it was due.  It is always especially humbling when missionaries give to other missionaries.  It is a great feeling to be able to support each other in our needs. I confess I much prefer being on the giving end...but hey... God is in control.  So- all that to give Glory to the One who is able to keep me and do exceedingly abundantly above or beyond anything I can wrap my head around. 
As I come home (in 18 days!!!) I am overwhelmed by God's goodness to me.  I have so much more to write, but you know how I feel about blogs that are too long.  So please just be praying for the ability to accomplish all I need to while I'm home.  I need to:
*  Have a yard sale to earn money (yuck, right?)
*  Go down south and visit my in-laws (yay!)
*  Arrange and pay for health insurance for the next year (so I can be on the YWAM base)
*  Practice and Teach 2/3 educational seminars on the Inductive Bible Study Method (who's in?!!!)      (This also requires printing off the materials before the seminars... yard sale money?)
*  Decide once and for all what to do about my truck...
(God is leading me towards shipping it here...which should cost about $1100. - about what I would pay for a moped.  This will allow me to get to church next year and also take students places, grocery shop, run errands, etc. You know... HAVE TRANSPORTATION.)
*  Try to see my doctor
*  Try to see a dentist? (probably not)
*  I know I am leaving things off :)

I covet your prayers!!!  Love and thanks, guys!! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. God is truly amazing! You are always in my prayers but lately you have been popping up in my thoughts. I was paying some bills and saw one of your letters and thought I would check out your blog and was blessed by what you wrote today. Talk about God's perfect timing...I would love to talk to you about helping you earn money this summer while you are on the Mainland, and about your truck. E-mail me so we can discuss things. :) Love, Juling
